Saturday, July 19, 2008

Josh's bedtime story

I have another guest star on my blog today. This morning the first thing out of Josh's mouth was a recap of last night's dream (not the first in a long series of off-the-wall dreams for him), so I told him that this one was definitely blog-worthy:

p.s. I's not a shamrock. But for the purposes of this blog, it's an enhanced shamrock.

"So, I am in my Dad's bathroom. I have to go pee. I notice that the water level is too high: up to the seat. Uh oh! That should be fixed. I continue to go, and notice that the water level is staying the same (whew!) and I start to see a small squid! The ocean had
creeped into Illinois, so this was to be expected. Now I notice more animals in the toilet bowl, which had become much bigger. One of the squids had a tiny tiny orange and white cat's head, except for no ears. At this point, the toilet looks like an spherical aquarium. I decide to use a plunger to fix the water level. After an exhaustive search beneath the toilet, I found the plunger and proceeded to start. There was a new problem. It was now a sink and I couldn't remove the little stopper in the drain, so I did what I used to do: open and close the drain repeatedly, with one hand on the stopper and one on the lever: phoom-phoom, phoom-phoom, phoom-phoom, etc. There were some unidentified bathroom cleaners, that I also sprayed in the water. Well, that all must of worked because the drain cleared right away and my sink-toilet was flushed. When I saw the white foam in there, I started to worry that I poisoned the environment. I didn't want to hurt the sea animals, after all."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, wow. Josh, you may need to change your eating habits before bed!