Tuesday, July 8, 2008

God is calling...

Today I'd like to welcome a very special guest star to my blog. My good friend Lora emailed me yesterday with something completely blog worthy that happened to her, so I asked her if she'd mind sharing it with us. Take it away Lora!

"I took the kids (niece and nephew) to church Saturday evening. Peyton had never been to mass before. Jade has gone before. But Peyton is the one really curious about God and heaven, partly because he’s 4 and partly because his Daddy died and is in heaven. So we’ve had the talk about being quiet and good in church. Peyton loves my rosary book with all the pictures and knows what each picture means. He recognizes some of the same pictures in the stained glass windows and wall hangings and he explains each one in a loud whisper. But the funny thing is……..during the Eucharistic Prayer, when the priest is changing the bread and wine into the body of blood of Christ, the most solemn part of the mass, they ring the bells on the altar three different times. The first two times, this is what happened……

(ring, ring….ring ring) Peyton: 'I’ll get it! Hello?' with his little hand up to his ear."


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