Friday, July 4, 2008


Hey, all...

I've been inspired by my husband's blog to start one of my own, so here I go. I tried to keep one a few years ago when I was trying to have a "summer of Erin" fitness push, but that one tanked quickly (surprise, surprise) so it's been a little while for me. I've actually pondered for a few days what in the world I would write about that other people would actually want to read, and then it dawned on me tonight...I see funny stuff happen all the time and have no one really to tell about it. I tell Josh, and he laughs, and the moment passes, and it's done. Lost in the abyss of moments untreasured. So here ya' go - chuckle moments from me to you. All for the low, low price of reading this little corner of the interweb.


Anonymous said...

Welcome (back) to Blog Town! I can't wait to read all about your wacky adventures down South!

Lorasings said...


Your blog is great! It's the first one I've read. It's such a fun way of staying up on what's going on in your life since you've moved.

Miss you,