Tuesday, September 16, 2008

False Advertizing

My favorite style of shirt, and the one I own the most of, is the simple collared, button-down-the front shirt, tapered at the waistline. It has always been the most flattering for my body type. And when I lost weight a couple of years ago, I decided that my money would be better invested in new pants and I could make the shirts last, as big pants could potentially fall off, and big shirts would just be roomy.

Well, two years later, I finally decided that my tried and true shirts were beginning to look sloppy, and have been looking for some sale items to replace the relics in my closet. Lo and behold, about two months ago, I did find a beautiful purple pin-striped shirt in the style as described above for only ten dollars! Here was the problem...after I lost the weight I had made my way into wearing a size small in most cases. Elated by that, I stubbornly refused to buy anything but, no matter how it really fit. And at the time I bought the shirt, I had just moved to Greenville after three months without living with my husband and having just been through the stress of the move. I had gained ten pounds. But I still bought the small, dammit. And didn't wear it for two months because it felt tight. (Duh.)

In the last few weeks I have slowly shed some of the weight I had re-gained, and felt brave enough to try the shirt. It looked great! It felt great! I put on a flattering pare of khaki's to match and pranced off to work, feeling fabulous, showing off my re-acquired waistline to anyone who might notice.

It wasn't until I got home and looked in the mirror that I realized what people may have been staring at. You know how sometimes you miss those little stickers that come attached to your clothing? Yup, I had one of those. Unfortunately it was a size sticker: the letter "S" was affixed to the dead center of my left breast.

Of course.

Yes, it's nice when people notice that my features are smaller, but I certainly don't need a label for people to see that I'm not well endowed.


Chel said...

LOL!!!! Oh, Erin, that one was priceless. I really needed that laugh. Thank you! Love ya, no matter what is small on ya :>)

Anonymous said...

I did that once with a pair of pants...there was a big ol/ "L" right on my butt. Like I really needed to advertise that my butt is large!

Anyhoo, congrats on losing weight (not that you needed to)!