Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mr. Goodbar's Little Brother

Alright...not even a day after I posted the blog about Mr. Goodbar, his new little brother showed up in their driveway:

No, no. That isn't just a shadow. That is a sweet fade from burnt orange to royal purple. This one looks like it's not quite as refined as Mr. Goodbar, as there are a few dents and dings. BUT, the wheels are certainly very special.

I suppose I can't point too many fingers because Lord knows the car I used to drive wasn't nearly as nice or fun as these guys. Mine was a mint green '78 Oldsmobile with a dent in the back door which included a lime-green paint scrape. And honestly, I wouldn't turn down a chance to take Mr. Goodbar around the block. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My question is this: How much money do you think they spent on these pimp-mobiles??? Talk about DISPOSABLE INCOME!

Kind of funny and sad at at the same time.